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iRobot’s Roomba Wi-Fi-connected robot vacuums are now compatible with Google Home, Amazon Alexa and IFTTT (If This Then That).
Want to talk to your vacuum cleaner and tell it what to do? Or tell it to clean up its act?
Well, welcome to 2018, where you can vocalise your desire to speak commands, and have your various gadgets and devices do your bidding.
Heck, they can even clean up your messes, and while we're not talking about mafia-like messes or concrete boots, we are talking about the much more practical reality of keeping one's carpets and floor surfaces clean.
{loadposition alex08}Now, on the very slim chance you've never heard of IFTTT before, iRobot reminds us that "IFTTT is a free Web-based platform that helps users to do more with their apps and devices".
The iRobot IFTTT Applets enable Roomba customers to further schedule and automate their daily cleaning needs alongside hundreds of web-based apps and smart devices."
"Additionally," says iRobot, "for customers with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant devices, controlling their Roomba iRobot vacuum just got easier with voice commands. These devices allow users to start, stop and dock their Roomba iRobot vacuum."
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Gary Hall, senior director of digital product management at iRobot, said: "While there is no shortage of smart devices for consumers to integrate into their home, getting these devices to work together in a cohesive manner can be challenging.
“From voice command services, like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, to IFTTT Applets, iRobot is continually pursuing ways to help its customers automate and simplify their daily cleaning needs.”
All we need next is Siri support, and the holy trinity of early AI devices will be supported, but until then, the dynamic duo are indeed supported at last, turning your voice into a clean speaking cleaning machine.
Or rather, one that can control your cleaning machine, and while we're still far from the reality portrayed in The Jetsons, we get closer every year.
So, speak easy, and keep it clean!