ICT services and solutions provider Data#3 has secured a five-year contract to support PanAust, an Australian-headquartered copper and gold producer in Laos, with pre-development and exploration opportunities in Laos, Papua New Guinea and Myanmar.
Data#3 was selected by PanAust after a competitive tender process and the company says it will provide secure and efficient technology services in diverse environments such as Laos, Myanmar and Papua New Guinea, in addition to PanAust’s head office in Brisbane.
Data#3 Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Laurence Baynham, said the five-year contract was testament to Data#3’s continued commitment to, and delivery of, “best-practice technology services and solutions in support of PanAust’s ongoing success, stability and long-term growth plans”.
Commencing this month, under the contract, Data#3 says its managed services will provide:
- Enhanced user services
- Improved service levels
- Expanded cybersecurity
- More cost-effective asset management
- Expanded database support across Laotian mining operations, and
- Broadened desktop support.
{loadposition peter}“The key to our combined success has been and always will be mutual trust, expertise and professionalism. We look forward to continuing our work with PanAust,” Baynham said.
Data#3 Service Delivery Manager, Adam Woolley, who leads the team collaborating with PanAust, said, “Our drive is to continue to provide the best services into remote locations with a focus on improving local services to optimise technology outcomes. As a result, PanAust can place its focus on delivering its strategic initiatives.”