Limited budgets and organisational culture is hindering digital transformation by the public sector in both Australia and New Zealand, with local governments facing the biggest barriers to digitisation, according to a new report.
Approximately 70% of survey respondents to a study by University of Technology Sydney commissioned by business software and managed services company Civica claim that limited working budgets act as a major constraint to digital transformative change, while 65% believe organisational culture is an impediment.
Further barriers to digital transformation included speed of technological changes (37%), difficulty in matching user expectations (32%) and conservative leadership (25%).
The figures are part of the fourth edition of Civica’s Changing Landscape research series, developed in collaboration with Institute for Public Policy & Governance (UTS:IPPG) at the University of Technology Sydney.
{loadposition peter}According to Professor Roberta Ryan, director, Institute for Public Policy & Governance (UTS:IPPG) & UTS Centre for Local Government (UTS:CLG), local governments in particular continue to struggle with limited funding, implementation and resourcing issues for digital projects.
“Many local councils have to make a trade-off. Digital services are being pushed down the list of priorities in favour of more immediate requirements to build or maintain physical infrastructure that serves to keep communities moving. Meanwhile, the absence of leadership understanding in driving an outcome-based strategy is also hindering successful implementation of digital initiatives.”
The research also reveals that ANZ local governments are strongly in favour of partnering with other organisations to achieve strategic transformation goals.
The findings showed that nearly 60 percent of respondents felt that partnering with similar organisations was a substantial opportunity for them, closely followed by partnering with external consultancies (54 percent) and private organisations (49 percent).
But partnerships with state and federal government were some way behind at 34% and 16% respectively.
“What we are seeing in our work with public sector organisations is that they want to embrace digital solutions,” said Richard Fiddis, managing director at Civica International.
“Many organisations operate different system environments. Even though amalgamations offered access to bigger budgets, this also meant that larger amounts of data and systems need to be merged. We see huge potential for the public sector to work with each other and third parties like ourselves to achieve strategic goals — and they appear willing to do this voluntarily — but what maybe they are saying is support us, don’t force us.”
While 84% of the survey respondents view digital transformation as an opportunity, almost one in five felt they were still not given many chances to learn new skills relevant to a digital-first environment – and nearly 80% admitted failure to implement some digital projects.
“There is also still a significant one in three organisations who believe they only talk about emerging digital technologies. Alarmingly, a small section revealed that they don’t pay attention to emerging technologies,” Fiddis said.
“For some councils their citizens place a high value on physical services and human engagement. At the same time, some communities can seem ambivalent around the use of new technologies.”
Fiddis says the results demonstrate that organisations with a culture resistant to change or lacking resources and talent struggle with driving transformation projects.
He also says another key reason which can lead to implementation failure is an absence of knowledgeable leadership backed by a sound strategy – and despite the struggles, almost three quarters of the survey respondents stated their leadership has a clearly established strategy to become a digitally mature organisation.
According to Fiddis, embracing digital transformation requires the existence of a digital culture and mindset across the organisation, championed by strong leadership that can tackle the challenges of leading in a digital first environment.
“As we see from our work in the UK and our Civica Digital business there, we need leaders to make the tough calls on prioritising investment in digital infrastructure against physical infrastructure, or finding ways to justify and finance both.”
Civica has announced it is formalising its long standing ad hoc working relationship with the University of Technology Sydney, Institute for Public Policy and Governance (UTS: IPPG) and the Centre for Local Government (UTS: CLG) with a two-year partnership contract with an option to extend for a further year.