Whether it is the modern software factory, taking advantage of AI, agile management, digital transformation, DevSecOps and more, CA Tech's portfolio continues its sophisticated maturation.
There are plenty of articles out there about CA World 17 from the wide range of journalists that are here at the event as I type, just search Google News, but there's only one journalist who is taking the time to film video interviews and various executive events.
Naturally, that's me, and I present to you the Day 1 and Day 2 video interviews, Q&A sessions, show floor tours and more.
You can also watch the excellent Day 1 keynote with CA CEO, Mike Gregoire here, (which was covered in this article) while the Day 2 keynote will be available to replay here.
{loadposition alex08}Day One Videos:
1. CA Technologies's Martin Mackay, President and General Manager Asia Pacific Japan spoke to me at CA World 2017 in Las Vegas.
We spoke about the major themes of this year's conference, the challenges in APJ, how the various countries compare in the region, and interesting 'pivot points' he's seen customers take to get to the next level, using CA Technologies products and services.
We looked at what the future might hold, great advice Martin had received in life to help him get where he is today, and his final messages for viewers, readers and his current and future customers.
2. CA World 17, Ken Martin VP, Agile Management, APJ: VIDEO Interview
I asked Ken about the definition of Agile Management in 2017, and how it has matured over the past year since CA World 16.
We talked about great examples of agile management in action, about CA's partners on the show floor on the topic, what the future might hold, great advice and his final message to readers and viewers, and his customers in the APJ region.
3. CA World 17, Mark Bennett VP Services APJ, and Stephen Miles CTO APJ: Video Interview
I introduced both gentlemen, and noted I had spoken and video interviewed them both previously.
I had video interviewed Stephen back in 2015 on the coming 5G Seismic shift, and then in 2016 during CA Tech's API Application Economy APJ Summit, as part of a series of executive video interviews and presentations recorded on video.
I had spoken Mark to and video interviewed him at last year's CA World 16, which you can see here as part of a series of executive video interviews back then.
This year I spoke to them both in the same interview, and we had a discussion about the app economy, digital transformation, the 'Modern Software Factory' that was a huge theme of this year's event, who the movers and shakers are in the APJ region taking all of this on and more.
Both gentlemen shared their thoughts on the future, what they'd learned that had most impacted them in the last year, and their final messages to readers, viewers and customers, present and future, in the region.
Also by this time we three Aussies were pretty tired, being in a time zone 19 hours behind the one we were used to, so feeling and looking a bit tired was only to be expected.
4. After this came a customer panel, hosted by CA Tech's Adam Elster, entitled "Masters of the Modern Software Factory."
This panel had four speakers, including one from our own Telstra, as follows:
IBM - Philip Guido, GM, IBM Services, Infrastructure Services
PRODAM - Daniel Tadeu Martinez Castello Branco, Technical Director
SGN - Mo Ahddoud, Chief Information Security Officer
TELSTRA - Matt Harman, Head of Enterprise PMO
5. Next up was the CA World 17: CEO Mike Gregoire, Global Media & Analyst Q&A
6. CA World 17: Mike Gregoire Q&A session with APJ Media
CA Technologies then offered media from the APJ region some time with CEO Mike Gregoire, to ask questions specific to the region and to get extra time with him.
7. CA World 17: Ayman Sayed, President & Chief Product Officer gives 2017 Product Overview
I missed the first part of the presentation but captured the other 90%, this was a presentation for global media and analysts explaining the CA Technologies product portfolio for 2017.
8: CA World 17: Exhibition show floor tour with Cameron Van Orman
9. CA World 17: Interview with Kieran Taylor, Senior Director, Product and Solutions Marketing
10. CA World 2017: Otto Berkes, CTO in a Q&A with APJ media
11. CA World 2017: Ayman Sayed, Chief Product Officer in a Q&A with APJ media
12. CA World 17: Surya Panditi, Senior VP and GM talks Agile Management
13. CA World 17: Tass Melissinos, VP API Management, APJ
14. CA World 17: TS Lim, VP, Security APJ talks security