The Australian Government should support the evolution of the national broadband network to ensure it is a sustainable long-term contributor to the national digital economy, according to a new report published by one of NBN Co’s original strategic partners.
The report, prepared by research company Ovum for Nokia — an NBN original strategic partner — focuses on what Nokia says is “the open pathways for NBN’s evolution to a next-generation multi-technology-mix platform”.
According to Els Baert, Nokia Manager of Fixed Networks Strategy Engagement, “NBN has the methodology and standardised technology options for next-generation evolution of its network and to create a sustainable national asset”, and he maintains, “deployment progress is strong and attention should now turn to enabling this evolution to 2025 and beyond”.
“Technology pathways are open and well developed in different network domains. A key aspect for the next phase will be a unified access architecture to simplify network elements, add flexibility, reduce operational costs and improve experience.
{loadposition peter}“NBN has always been an ambitious and visionary project to support Australia’s national digital future. This future will rely on NBN’s evolution, including the planned 2018 launch of in the copper domain.”
Ovum says its report shows how NBN Co’s network strategy is “aligned with a global trend of fibre-to-the-most-economic-point, utilising technology roadmaps in different access network domains and maximising the use of existing assets to match demand and investment models”.
Stephen Myers, Ovum principal consultant, said: “After a decade since original conception, the renewal of Australia’s vision for the NBN is timely. NBN and its shareholders should now look to the next decade and position the network to deliver the economic and social benefits of ubiquitous connectivity. Equally this vision needs to establish the path of the evolution of the network as user requirements change.”
And according to Myers, continued focus on technology roadmaps and maximising the use of existing assets will be important.
“Likewise, NBN Co should continue to drive demand for higher bandwidth services and work with government to develop the business case and funding model for future upgrades.”