Well that headline makes no sense. Or does it? Let’s think about those words - and how they might possibly relate to information technology.
The message is tantalising, thought provoking and if man really did bite dog, it’s newsworthy. As a headline it’s short, sharp and to the point – subject, active verb, object.
At PR Deadlines we like to craft all our messaging to the infotech world like that, in clear concise language across the entire communications spectrum: news releases, thought leadership, videos, pitches, direct mail, ads, lead generation – everything.
It’s a style derived from the Boss, who spent 15 years of his working life writing and editing for newspapers and news agencies worldwide before being lured to the Dark Side (PR).
{loadposition peter}One of the publications he graced was a tabloid (which must remain nameless), where journalists were instructed to write for people ‘whose lips move when they read’…
Being a simple man, he insists that we all write in clear, concise terms. Although we don’t find too many men biting dogs among our infotech clients, we strive to apply this methodology (you see, we know big techie words) to everything we do.
We use it when unravelling the complexities of our clients’ IT solutions and presenting facts and figures to target audiences with a clarity that compels attention.
Our man-bites-dog style applies equally to today’s digital world, where content is presented in blog and social media formats. Here, short, sharp wording is truly essential since information is condensed into short, engaging, easily-digested pieces. Or should be.
Our clients are smitten – or should that be bitten!
Author LUKE FROST, Director, PR Deadlines