The Telecommunications Reform legislation provides a guarantee for all premises to access broadband services. But despite the reforms regional Australia says it is still concerned about having reliable telephone services and proposals that the NBN and mobile services should replace fixed-line telephone services in regional areas.
National Farmers’ Federation Chief Executive, Tony Mahar says the legislation is a win for the regional activist group – the Regional Rural and Remote Communications Coalition (RRRCC) and consumers it represents - but concerns remain over the Productivity Commission’s proposal to replace fixed-line telephone services with NBN and mobile.
“We do not agree with the PC’s view that mobile coverage outside the home is sufficient for rural areas,” Mahar said.
“Many rural and regional consumers rely on these services to stay in touch with family, run businesses and stay connected during emergencies.
{loadposition peter}“Rural consumers should not have to climb to the top of buildings, walk to the end of their property or purchase elaborate and expensive repeater devices, to ensure they have voice services.”
Mahar does say that the reform proposals are a significant first step to ensuring all premises across the country have access to broadband services, capable of at least 25Mbps per second download and 5Mbps upload speeds.
And, he says the Coalition was glad to see other improvements to the Bill, which aims to stop the “handballing of complaints between network and internet providers and to get complaints addressed more quickly”.
"The bill also allows regional services to be funded sustainably and transparently into the future with the Regional Broadband Scheme.
"Everybody benefits if all Australians are connected."
Australian Communications Consumers Action Network (ACCAN) chief executive, Teresa Corbin said an ongoing commitment was needed to ensure adequate telephone services continued to be available in all premises, regardless of remoteness.
“The removal of the USO cannot be considered until the Government can prove that all premises have adequate coverage or alternative reliable telephone services.
“This includes providing consumers with the ability to challenge the coverage measures in their premises.”
Mahar points out that there are currently a number of telecommunication protections which are currently under review and he says the RRRCC is focussed on ensuring the establishment of a minimum standard for reliable telephone and broadband services, a review of consumer safeguards, as well as the publication of NBN’s network performance.
“The Coalition strongly encourages the Government to provide a road map to ensure no-one is left behind by the transformational changes underway,” Corbin said.