The community GNU/Linux distribution openSUSE expects to release version 42.3 of its Leap development stream, a rolling distribution that claims to offer both the latest software and also stability.
Leap differs from other development streams in other distributions in that there are no alpha or beta versions; snapshots are released constantly.
Leap release manager Ludwig Nussel the release, expected at the end of July, was mostly a refresh and hardware enablement release that would have more than 10,000 packages.
He said while thought it was a the development version, it was still quite stable because it was extremely hardened and shared sources from SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE) 12.
{loadposition sam08}However, more testing was still needed and people willing to promote openSUSE’s next minor 42 series version were required, Nussel said.
The SLE 12 Service Pack 3 (SP3) and Leap 42.3 are developed in parallel to one another and both benefit from mutual bug reports.
Leap 42.3 builds have been released regularly, with new community packages being updated in the newest builds.
These are automatically released once they pass openQA testing.
Nussel encouraged testers to run the development version by downloading an image. After installation, they could use the zypper update process to obtain the 42.3 snapshot and packages.