In business today, assembling data is no problem. All your supporting systems generate gigabytes of metrics and raw data every week, and you can quickly find yourself drowning in data.
The question, however, is not how much data you have access to, but rather how that data can be used to provide you with the capability to make timely and informed business decisions that add to your bottom line. Do the myriad of spreadsheets and databases that reside within your company’s internal systems really support great decision making within your business?
The answer, in most cases, is some form of Business Intelligence (BI) system which Wikipedia defines as a system that “can handle large amounts of . . . data to help identify, develop and otherwise create new strategic business opportunities”.
These systems are generally focussed on analysing large amounts of data to derive reports, analytics and measurements that can quickly reveal trends around the performance of your business in real-time, allowing you to leverage the power of information in the running of your company.
{loadposition peter}Many vendors offer comprehensive BI solutions, ranging from inexpensive or Open Source offerings right through to multi-million dollar Enterprise suites. So, which is the right one for your business?
As part of our internal systems development effort, Mitrais has conducted a comprehensive Decision Analysis and Resolution exercise (DAR) on some of the popular contenders. This DAR analyses the differing features of different products, and attempts to compare them with one another. It also weights the results taking into account the relative importance of key features.
Want to know more about the results of our investigation and what some of the leading BI solutions have to offer? Download our special report for FREE!
About Mitrais
Mitrais is a technology company with offices in Australia, Singapore, Vietnam and Indonesia. We offer near shore, near time software development and managed services to Australian companies. Meetings with your team will generally be held at our largest development center in Bali. With 400 staff we are large enough to meet the needs of most companies but still small enough for personalised service. In business since 1991 we have written software or installed systems for 400 clients. Mitrais - “The Smart Alternative to India”.