Last November Apple users started complaining that iOS 10.1. was causing some iPhone 6s and earlier to shut down when they reached 30% - famously dubbed the 30% bug. Its iOS 10.2.1 update was supposed to fix that - it did not - and also introduced a new raft of issues.
The official Apple US discussion board has now grown to over 125 pages of mostly annoyed users – over 3000 questions.
At the time, Daily Mail Australia reported
“Apple vowed to fix a technical issue that has seen some iPhone 6s handsets shutting down unexpectedly. The Cupertino-based technology firm will replace batteries on affected devices, it said. The issue only affects a 'relatively small batch' of the devices manufactured last year, says Apple, but the company would not disclose the exact numbers. This is Apple's second iPhone repair program in less than a week after it announced that it would fix the 'touch disease' issue, albeit at a charge, blighting many users' iPhone 6 Plus handsets.”
Problem is that instead of being fixed the issue is exploding – well figuratively speaking anyway.
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Respected journalist and contributor to Forbes Gordon Kelly states, “Apple continues to ignore the infamous 30% battery bug. The problem - which can affect every iOS 10 compatible iPhone except for the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus - causes handsets to switch off around the 30% mark.”
If you own an iPhone 6s series or earlier that runs iOS 10.x.x you should read Kelly’s whole article. It was the catalyst for nearly half a million media reports and users are “Not happy Jan.”
Comments range from WTF to Apple refusing to still acknowledge that this is a serious bug, just like its touch disease was.
While the issue is global many of the reports seem to come from Chinese users where one could surmise Apple has a specific version for that country. Whatever the case Apple’s fortunes in China have hit rock bottom.
The Shanghai Consumer Council says it has eight iPhone 6 handsets that exploded. As per a report released last month, iPhone 6 batteries powered down emitting smoke and eventually exploded. Apple failed to provide adequate explanations and take up any recall measures.
The Council says the battery draining problem has been critiqued by China Consumers Association as the company failed “to meet basic consumer needs for normal wireless communication”. With Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 issue (now resolved) and the iPhone 30% bug, explosion and battery problems (not resolved) there is a distinct distrust towards Apple. It has not helped that Chinese brands OPPO, vivo, Huawei, and Xiaomi have experienced huge growth at Apple's expense relegating it to 8.2 million handsets in Q3, 2016, down 34.1% year over year.
GottabeMobile reports that the iOS 10.2.1 update is causing, even more, issues.
We’re seeing complaints about abnormal battery drain, broken Wi-Fi, missing News app, finicky Bluetooth, busted cellular data, issues with lag, crashes, random reboots, email issues, installation problems, various issues with sound, and more. iPhone users are also complaining about a “30% battery bug.” Those experiencing the issue say their battery suddenly dies when their device reaches the 30% battery mark.
If any iTWire readers have issues please let us know.